So much for "frequent" posting...

Turns out the business planning process is pretty involved - who knew?  Right now, we're working on getting the business plan written, as well as scoping out potential locations.   

Finding the right location for a brewpub is tricky.  The ideal spot is a for-lease former restaurant (easier to meet building code) with high ceilings (for brewing equipment) that is in a high-traffic location.  Also, we're narrowing our search down to the downtown/crossroads/river market areas, so this could be a formidable task. 

Also, a new Missouri law was passed (thanks Gov. Nixon) that allows non-commercial beer to be taken and shared in public at festivals - as long as it's free.  Great news for home brewers everywhere, and hopefully this means it will be easier to get some of my pilot batches out to any "taste testers" out there!

That's it for now.  I promise I will be better about posting and keeping the blog updated on the process from here on out.  Cheers!